暗黑犬长久以来守护游戏世界,致力于打造最值得玩家信赖的游戏体验。外观风格一如既往的低调简约,当玩家在游戏中冲锋陷阵,暗黑犬从不吝啬展现其强大威力。新一代暗黑犬又有新的武器——第二灯效“迷幻紫”, 为您营造更加沉浸的游戏幻境。
暗黑犬长久以来守护游戏世界,致力于打造最值得玩家信赖的游戏体验。外观风格一如既往的低调简约,当玩家在游戏中冲锋陷阵,暗黑犬从不吝啬展现其强大威力。新一代暗黑犬又有新的武器——第二灯效“迷幻紫”, 为您营造更加沉浸的游戏幻境。
暗黑犬 RX 7600 XT的推出,见证了AMD最新RDNA™3架构下的极致游戏性能。这款显卡配备双风扇和四根镀镍热管的高效散热系统,散热性能出众。7+2相电压调节模块搭配SPS DrMOS和8+6 pin电源接口,进一步提升了显卡的性能表现。高分子固态电容和双BIOS功能的加入,凸显了暗黑犬在强劲性能和灵活适应性方面的坚持。
1. 鋁製背板
2. 可選“迷幻紫”燈效
4. 強大散熱模組
5. 2X10cm風扇
镀镍铜底座直接与 GPU 接触,提高散热效率,使显卡处于最佳冷却状态。
暗黑犬 RX 7600 XT 配备4根6mm镀镍铜热管及更大的散热基座,带来更低的温度和更好的表现。
‧ 数位控制器搭载固态电容,有效提升稳定性
‧ 出色的电源效率
‧ 显著的低电力损耗
‧ 升级的温度保护装置
‧ 7+2相供电设计,确保更好的超频与稳定度
16GB GDDR6 显存和最新一代技术在手,让您在当前和未来皆可尽情体验游戏乐趣。AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT 显卡基于 AMD RDNA 3 架构打造,在 1080p 及更高分辨率下的游戏和直播中展现非凡的性能、视效和流畅度。拥有 AI 加速器、光线追踪、AV1 硬件编码 以及全新的 DisplayPort™ 2.1 技术,与未来为伍。
AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT 显卡将玩家的游戏性能推向更高水平。该显卡具有面向未来的 16GB GDDR6 显存、统一的 AMD RDNA 3 计算单元以及 AMD HYPR-RX 等新一代技术,在 1080p 分辨率下凭借超精细视效营造非凡体验,呈现快如闪电、丝滑流畅的游戏表现,并可根据需要灵活提升至 1440p。 Radeon RX 7600 XT 显卡可带来非凡的高刷新率游戏和直播体验,并让玩家能在未来数年从容感受游戏的魅力。
使用您喜爱的软件 OBS Studio 和全新硬件 AV1 编码器,为迎接新一代高保真直播时刻整装待发。Radeon RX 7600 XT 显卡在直播时可提供改进的编码性能和增强的视效质量,是游戏玩家和主播即插即用型解决方案的理想选择。支持 AMD 噪音抑制功能,由人工智能提供支持,可消除环境噪音,并与您的观众或队友进行清晰的沟通。
更深入地沉浸式享受新一代桌面体验通过全新的帧生成技术、出色的光线追踪、AI 加速器、AV1 编码 和 AMD Radiance Display 显示引擎,畅享性能出众的高刷新率显示器。另外,通过最新 DisplayPort™ 2.1 技术,可实现最高可达 680 亿色的视频播放效果,且最高可支持 8K 分辨率。 AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT 显卡与 AMD 锐龙处理器强势组合,轻松开启各种 AMD 智能技术。释放性能潜力,抢占游戏先机。AMD Radeon RX 7000 系列显卡与 AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 应用强势组合,在防崩溃驱动程序的加持下,带来非凡的电脑游戏体验。
AMD 超级分辨率锐画技术 (FSR) 树立优化升级技术新标杆。不仅提升了支持该技术的游戏的帧率,而且带来了惊艳的画质。
AMD Radeon Super Resolution(RSR 技术) 在驱动程序级别融合 FSR 空间优化升级技术,为数千款游戏带来性能提升。
启用 AMD HYPR-RX,提升性能并降低延迟。AMD 帧生成技术、AMD Radeon Super Resolution、AMD Radeon Boost 和 AMD Radeon Anti-Lag(抗延迟) 技术现可协同工作,让您在不断推陈出新的众多游戏中获得性能提升。
¹Game Clock(游戏时脉) 是泛指一般游戏应用时的GPU时脉, TGP (Total Graphics Power) 则会因为执行不同的游戏而有所差异。
²Boost Clock是在GPU重载时能跑出的最高频率,然而,是否能达到此频率或是能持续多久时间,则会依据几个因素而有所影响,例如: 散热状态,软体的应用或是负载状态。
³AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT 显示卡的建议电源在使用 12V 输出功率> 48A 时,至少为 650W 或更大。系统电源的建议最低瓦数是以配置 AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 处理器,加上其他系统元件之一般电力需求的电脑为基准。您的系统需求可能会有所不同。
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Take full advantage of the AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 Series graphics cards by pairing with a certified AMD FreeSync™ technology-enabled monitor to enable an exceptional stutter and tear-free gaming experience with high refresh rates, low latency, and stunning HDR.
Less lag equals more wins. Radeon Anti-Lag reduces latency, providing ultra-fast response time giving you a dynamic edge over your competition.
The AMD RDNA™ 3 architecture features industry-advancing chiplet technology to deliver next-generation performance, visuals, and power efficiency. Discover new levels of performance with unified AMD RDNA™ 3 compute units, featuring redesigned raytracing accelerators for incredible performance while improving image quality.
AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 Series Graphics power the ultimate Windows 11 gaming experience with optimized support for DirectX® 12 Ultimate, AutoHDR, and DirectStorage.
AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3 (AMD FSR 3) is the synergy of next-level AMD temporal upscaling technology and AMD Fluid Motion Frames interpolation technology designed to deliver massive performance boosts with incredible image quality in supported games.
"As the numbers have shown, the card isn’t a barn-burner by any means, but in comparison to previous-generation GPUs, the Radeon RX 7600 XT offers a more advanced architecture that brings with it support for AV1 video encoding and the latest high-resolution, high-refresh displays."
More"The Radeon RX 7600 XT features twice the graphics memory, higher total graphics performance (TGP) and higher clock speeds. It relies on the same Navi 33 chip configuration. The Hellhound version of PowerColor's card impresses with its effective implementation. The cooler isn't any bigger, but it has additional heat pipes and works surprisingly quietly. The card is primarily designed for 1080p gaming at high settings. It can also handle 4K resolution in some games, especially when using FSR 2 or 3 for upscaling. One disadvantage is the minimal performance difference between the Radeon RX 7600 XT and its non-XT variant."
More"At the time of testing, manufacturer Powercolor estimated the Radeon RX 7600 XT at a comparatively moderate 359 euros. In return, gamers get a graphics card that smoothly displays current games in Full HD and WQHD resolution. Gaming in 4K resolution doesn't work, and the speed drops significantly even when ray tracing effects are switched on. But that's not what the Radeon RX 7600 XT is intended for - because if you want more, you have to spend more. In the end, the Powercolor Radeon RX 7600 XT undeniably offers good value for money."
More"Hoy es el día elegido por AMD para lanzar su nuevo chip gráfico, el Radeon RX 7600 XT. Es por ello que tenemos para su review la PowerColor AMD Radeon RX 7600 XT Hellhound, una tarjeta gráfica con dicho chip por bandera y un disipador de doble ventilador bastante compacto. Básicamente, estamos ante el mismo chip Navi 33 de 2.048 Stream Processors con una dosis de overclocking y duplicando su memoria hasta los 16 GB de memoria GDDR6 a 18 Gbps. ¿Encontraremos una gran mejora de rendimiento?"
More"Moving on to the PowerColor graphics card, in my opinion it is a product that is pleasing to the eye, well made and with an unobtrusive LED backlight that can be easily turned off if necessary. However, fans of multi-colored illumination may be disappointed by the lack of RGB. We also have a reasonable cooler that ensures reasonable component temperatures with impeccable operation."
More"RX 7600 XT 16 GB is a nice addition to the product series, but at the moment we don't see any significant developments for ordinary gamers who just want good performance in 1080p resolution - for them the RX 7600 8 GB cards will be quite enough. Finally, the price. MSRP is $329, while the RX 7600 starts at $269. That's a big difference in price for what it showed. However, as a future proof model, we can conditionally recommend the RX 7600 XT 16 GB. In any case, PowerColor did a very good job and this card is quiet and low consumption. If you are buying, the recommendation is to go for one of the OC models, or to overclock this one."