暗黑犬长久以来守护游戏世界,致力于打造最值得玩家新来的游戏体验。外观风格一如既往的低调简约,当玩家在游戏中冲锋陷阵,暗黑犬从不吝啬展现其强大威力。新一代暗黑犬又有新的武器——第二灯效“迷幻紫”, 为您营造更加沉浸的游戏幻境。
暗黑犬长久以来守护游戏世界,致力于打造最值得玩家新来的游戏体验。外观风格一如既往的低调简约,当玩家在游戏中冲锋陷阵,暗黑犬从不吝啬展现其强大威力。新一代暗黑犬又有新的武器——第二灯效“迷幻紫”, 为您营造更加沉浸的游戏幻境。
撼讯暗黑犬RX 7900 GRE采用三颗全新环形风扇冷却方案(100x90x100mm)、配置5x6mm热管、并内建超大镜面工艺铜底直接覆盖GPU与显存,达到最佳散热效率。高品质PCB搭配9+2+1+2+1相供电设计、DrMOS搭载IMON即时数字电流监控反馈功能,为玩家提供游戏中最可靠的性能输出提供背书。
1. 加强的金属背板
2. 双 BIOS 模式
3. 高品质 PCB 设计
4. 航空级电源模组SPS DrMOS搭载IMON及时监控
5. 纯铜镀镍热管
6. 全新粉紫色灯效
7. 高效环形扇叶
高效的散热模式成为您可靠的游戏伙伴,借由显卡上搭载智能芯片实时检测 GPU 温度变化:
内置大面积平滑镀镍铜底,全面覆盖 GPU 及显存,可大量且快速地吸收热能并均匀散出,使芯片在急速运转下仍可以维持高效散热。
直列式铝鳍片密集排列覆盖于 PCB 上,在低噪音状态下也能让外部空气顺利流通至热源处,再由密集排列的鳍片将热气均匀分散带走,高效降温。
PowerColor 撼讯暗黑犬系列 RX 7900 GRE 三风扇中的中央风扇采用反向旋转设计,减少进风时与两侧风扇间的空气乱流造成的抵消效果,借此提升风流与风压,进而在维持高效散热的同时降低噪音,提供更安静的游戏环境。
5根6φ抗氧化镀镍铜管紧密排列于 PCB 上,大范围覆盖 GPU 核心及显存发热处,带来卓越的散热效率,大幅降低显卡整体温度。
为成为每一个玩家尽情畅玩的安稳后盾,暗黑犬系列采用9+2+1相供电设计,另有2+1显存专属供电,更配备全新 IMON 功能,可逐一监控并回报每一相位的电流及功耗给 GPU,进而平衡电流负载,提供超频时更好的稳定性及温度保护。
MOS 上搭载车用级导电高分子电容,日系大厂用料,使用寿命长且具有导电效率高,有效降低传导中电力损失。
采用抗高温14层高热导率 PCB 板材,并含2oz 电源层,降低高频信号传递过程中的衰减,满足高性能 GPU 对稳定度及大电流的需求。
坚硬的金属材质背板强化整体支撑性,防止 PCB 弯折造成显卡损坏,背板上特殊造型开孔设计加快散热。
新一代暗黑犬增加迷幻紫 LED 灯色,同时保留冰蓝主打色,玩家可通过显卡上的三段式开关设计,轻松切换灯光效果,让暗黑犬的不同面貌主宰你的游戏世界,丰富游戏体验,带来不同的视觉盛宴。
简单拨动显卡切换键,便可轻松选择 BIOS 版本。
超频模式(OC):你总是在游戏中拼尽全力、勇往直前吗?出厂默认的 OC 模式可让风扇加速转动,使显卡维持低温运行。
AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE 显卡采用 AMD RDNA 3 架构,打造非凡的游戏和直播性能、视觉效果和能效。借助 16GB GDDR6 显存、先进的光线追踪和 AI 加速器、AV1 编码以及对最新 DisplayPort™ 2.1 技术的支持,玩家可在先进的高刷新率显示器上沉浸式体验新一代游戏带来的震撼效果。在 AMD Software 的加持下,Radeon RX 7900 GRE 可显著提升性能和减少延迟,带来卓越的 1440p 高刷新率游戏和直播体验,更有超大显存助您进入 4K 画质新视界。
AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE 显卡为游戏玩家带来全新的性能水平。16GB GDDR6 显存、统一的 AMD RDNA 3 计算单元与 AMD HYPR-RX 等新一代功能相结合,打造卓越的 1440p 及更高刷新率游戏性能体验。AMD Radiance Display 显示引擎搭配 DisplayPort™ 2.1,在高达 8K 的设置下支持 680 亿色的沉浸式视频播放和游戏体验。
使用您最喜爱的软件 OBS Studio 和全新硬件 AV1 编码器,为下一代高保真直播时刻整装待发。Radeon RX 7900 GRE 显卡在直播时可提供改进的编码性能和增强的视效质量,是游戏玩家和主播即插即用型解决方案的理想选择。支持 AMD 噪音抑制功能,可消除环境噪音,并与您的观众或队友进行清晰的沟通。
MD Radeon RX 7900 GRE 显卡与 AMD 锐龙处理器强势组合,轻松激活各种 AMD 智能技术。释放性能潜力,抢占游戏先机。
AMD Radeon RX 7000 系列显卡与 AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 应用强势组合,在防崩溃驱动程序的加持下,带来非凡的电脑游戏体验。
AMD 超级分辨率锐画技术 (FSR)树立优化升级技术新标杆。不仅提升了支持该技术的游戏的帧率,而且带来了惊艳的画质。
AMD Radeon Super Resolution (RSR)树立优化升级技术新标杆。不仅提升了支持该技术的游戏的帧率,而且带来了惊艳的画质。
启用 AMD HYPR-RX,提升性能并降低延迟。AMD 帧生成技术、AMD Radeon Super Resolution、AMD Radeon Boost 和 AMD Radeon Anti-Lag(抗延迟) 技术现可协同工作,让您在不断推陈出新的众多游戏中获得性能提升。
¹Game Clock(游戏时脉) 是泛指一般游戏应用时的GPU时脉, TGP (Total Graphics Power) 则会因为执行不同的游戏而有所差异。
²Boost Clock是在GPU重载时能跑出的最高频率,然而,是否能达到此频率或是能持续多久时间,则会依据几个因素而有所影响,例如: 散热状态,软体的应用或是负载状态。
³AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE 显示卡的建议电源在使用 12V 输出功率> 62A 时,至少为 750W 或更大。系统电源的建议最低瓦数是以配置 AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 处理器,加上其他系统元件之一般电力需求的电脑为基准。您的系统需求可能会有所不同。
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The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
Less lag equals more wins. Radeon Anti-Lag reduces latency, providing ultra-fast response time giving you a dynamic edge over your competition.
Radeon Boost delivers extra performance and improves game smoothness when fast on-screen character motion is detected via user input.
The AMD RDNA™ 3 architecture features industry-advancing chiplet technology to deliver next-generation performance, visuals, and power efficiency. Discover new levels of performance with unified AMD RDNA™ 3 compute units, featuring redesigned raytracing accelerators for incredible performance while improving image quality.
AMD Radeon™ RX 7000 Series Graphics power the ultimate Windows 11 gaming experience with optimized support for DirectX® 12 Ultimate, AutoHDR, and DirectStorage.
AMD FidelityFX™ Super Resolution 3 (AMD FSR 3) is the synergy of next-level AMD temporal upscaling technology and AMD Fluid Motion Frames interpolation technology designed to deliver massive performance boosts with incredible image quality in supported games.
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"The Hellhound cards from PowerColor have been popular and I completely get it. The whole over the top “gamer” designs get old and something that bridges the gap between that and a basic card design is always nice. In the case of the Hellhound RX 7900 GRE they have gone even simpler than with the Hellhound RX 7900 XTX, it has a completely flat fan shroud with just a touch of chrome around the three fans for styling. All of the flash is tied in with the clear fans that have lighting but I do have to point out that you are locked in with the two Hellhound lighting colors just like with the XTX. That is a purple and a blue and both do look great but I would love to have a white option for times those don’t fit with your build and I know some people will be disappointed there isn’t RGB to match the lighting perfectly with the rest of your build. The craziest thing for me with the Hellhound RX 7900 GRE is the crazy name compared to how clean and simple the design is, this feels a lot more l
More"The version of this chipset signed by PowerColor takes advantage of the PCB and cooling designed for the RX 7800 XT, a similar consumer graphics card, to achieve outstanding performance in this GPU with very low noise levels and a size compatible with box formats more widespread. It occupies “only” 2.5 slots so it is not a huge card and its working temperatures, around 50 degrees, allow for a silent and efficient user experience."
More"Focusing on what the PowerColor AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE Hellhound itself offers, we have a triple cooler that offers sensational performance. We will have very controlled temperatures and minimal noise, barely audible above the ambient noise."
More"The HellHound edition graphics card offers enhanced power allocation and increased clock speeds, leading to slightly faster performance than its counterparts from other board partners, with a performance edge of approximately 2-3%. The card impresses with its quiet operation, even when set to performance BIOS mode. Under intense gaming conditions, it maintains a temperature around 55-60 degrees Celsius, which is excellent. Despite the higher price, the card's performance and aesthetics make it a strong contender among RX 7800 GRE models."
More"PowerColor makes some excellent GPUs and the Hellhound Radeon RX 7900 GRE is a decent graphics card. It's let down by the AMD GPU that powers it. It's simply not that much better than the 7800 XT or 6950 XT, making it a tough sell, and you can forget 4K gaming, which is where the 7900 XT comes into play. It's quiet under load and the three fans are more than capable of keeping temperatures low. At 1080p and 1440p, this GPU performs well with excellent results across the board."
More"If f you’ve got around $549 to spend and are one of the many gamers who prefer AMD over Nvidia, then an AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE is probably the graphics card you should buy. If you don’t care who makes your graphics card and really can’t afford to go past $549, this is also still the card you should probably buy."
More"Beim Kühler macht PowerColor alles richtig und so kann man sich maximal ARGB-Beleuchtung wünschen, weil hier minimalistishce Beleuchtung verwendet wird. Die Grafikkarte ist aber gut verarbeitet und weist keine Makel auf. Dazu ist sie unter Volllast mit nur 33,6 dBA wirklich angenehm leise!"
More"PowerColor's RX 7900 GRE Hellhound comes with a much better cooling solution than all the other RX 7900 GRE cards that we've tested so far. Our apples-to-apples noise-normalized cooler comparison test confirms that at the same heat load and noise level, the Hellhound is between 8 °C and 13 °C cooler than competing models from Sapphire and ASRock—a big difference. Temperatures are fantastic, reaching just 59 °C at full load. What makes this even more impressive is that the card is running whisper-quiet in this state. Just 25 dBA is virtually inaudible, especially when the card is installed in a case with other actively cooled components. Remember, this is full gaming load, not idle! These are impressive numbers and PowerColor has got one more ace up their sleeve. Thanks to the card's dual BIOS capability, you may activate a "quiet" BIOS, which runs the card at even lower fan speeds and slightly reduced power limit. Now the card emits just 23 dBA under full load, which is virtually inau
MoreAMD has removed the memory OC limits from its Radeon RX 7900 GRE GPU in latest drivers, allowing for some impressive performance uplifts.
MoreYou can now download more performance for RX 7900 GRE AMD has enabled the memory overclocking for Radeon RX 7900 GRE which results in higher performance. AMD’s latest driver update has unlocked full overclocking support for the Radeon RX 7900 GRE “Golden Rabbit Edition,” a model previously confined mainly to the Chinese market before its […]
MoreYou can now download more performance for RX 7900 GRE AMD has enabled the memory overclocking for Radeon RX 7900 GRE which results in higher performance. AMD’s latest driver update has unlocked full overclocking support for the Radeon RX 7900 GRE “Golden Rabbit Edition,” a model previously confined mainly to the Chinese market before its […]