改變規則 Radeon RX 5700
出色的遊戲體驗來自改變規則。 採用全新 RDNA 的 Radeon RX 5700 具有卓越效能和高保真度遊戲。 使用 Radeon RX 5700 進行控制,體驗為您量身定製的強大加速遊戲。
出色的遊戲體驗來自改變規則。 採用全新 RDNA 的 Radeon RX 5700 具有卓越效能和高保真度遊戲。 使用 Radeon RX 5700 進行控制,體驗為您量身定製的強大加速遊戲。
RDNA 架構經精心設計,具有支援生態系統的功能。 可預期從行動到雲端的自上而下的可擴展性。 RDNA 架構為下一代高效能遊戲平台的擴展奠定了新的基礎。 RDNA 架構提供了更快的效能、更高的效率和從上到下可擴展性的設計。
Radeon RX 5700系列顯卡提供沉浸式、高逼真度和高效能的遊戲體驗。高效能 RDNA 架構經過精心設計,可極大增強諸如 Radeon™ 圖像銳化、FidelityFX 、 TrueAudio Next和 VR 技術等功能,以實現最大效能和令人驚歎的遊戲體驗。
在 Radeon™ 顯示卡上體驗無撕裂無抖動遊戲境界。 AMD Radeon FreeSync 和 AMD Radeon FreeSync 2 HDR 技術,解決了處理器和顯示器間的通訊問題,消除了圖像撕裂和破碎情況,輕鬆實現流暢的遊戲體驗。
AMD Radeon FreeSync 2 HDR 技術將遊戲顯示器性能提升到另一層次,在用戶享受 HDR 遊戲、電影及其他娛樂內容時,確保優質的用戶體驗:
-保證支援低畫面速率補償 (LFC)
-保證 支援顯示 HDR 內容
Radeon RX 5700 高效節能,提供更高效能的同時功耗比前代產品低。
配備 8GB 進階 GDDR6 記憶體,可提供高達 448 GB/s 的高頻寬,為當今要求最嚴苛的遊戲提供 1440p 效能。
運用 Radeon VR Ready Premium 解決方案,帶您體驗如臨實境般的虛擬實境國度。
AMD Radeon FreeSync 技術幾乎能在任何幀率下提供流暢無偽影的畫面表現,從此再也不用忍受斷斷續續的遊戲過程和破碎的畫面。 電腦遊戲效能的重大突破指日可待。
Radeon RX 5700 支援 PCI Express 4.0,輸送量為 16 GT/s,頻寬是 PCI Express 3.0 的兩倍。 為下一代電腦遊戲做好準備。
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Run multiple displays from a single graphics board and expand your gaming field of view across all displays.
AMD App Accelerator creates a “co-processing” environment in which the compute processing potential in your AMD Radeon™ Graphics processor works together with the system central processor, to accelerate enabled applications.
Supports the latest stereoscopic 3D content and display technologies. Play 3D games, watch Blu-ray 3D videos, and edit 3D photos on your 3D Monitors, TV, or projector.
Conclusively enable superior video playback quality with advanced hardware post-processing algorithms.
AMD PowerPlay™ Technology dynamically adjusts clockspeeds in response to GPU load, saving power for just when you need it.
Maximizes performance under load conditions by dynamically increasing the GPU engine clock to take advantage of unused TDP headroom. Also allows users to configure their own TDP limit, within a provided range, for even higher performance or more power efficiency.
Comprehensive OS supports the latest Windows7 functionality and Driver support. (** some products only support 64bit OS, please visit website on www.powercolor.com for details**)
Comprehensive OS supports the latest Windows10 functionality and Driver support. (** some products only support 64bit OS, please visit website on www.powercolor.com for details**)
Integrated high speed HDMI output with 1080p 120Hz 3D Stereoscopic support, and 4K resolution display support.
Get intense gaming performance and unrivalled image quality with stunning 3D visual effects, realistic lighting and lifelike imagery.
Better security by helping protect the pre-startup—or pre-boot—process against bootkit attacks and faster startup times and resuming from hibernation.
Get quality that rivals 4K, even on a 1080p display while playing your favorite online games thanks to AMD's VSR.
Escape into lifelike realms of virtual reality experiences with Radeon VR Ready Premium solutions.
True to life echoes, convolution reverbs and fuller sounding environments with increased voices and audio objects deliver a richer and more immersive gaming soundscape.
Now it’s easier than ever to connect and use an external Radeon™ graphics card. With AMD XConnect™ technology, external GPU enclosures configured with Radeon™ Graphics can easily connect and disconnect to a compatible ultrathin notebook or 2-in-1 over Thunderbolt™ 31 at any time, just like a USB flash drive-a first for external GPUs!
A power-saving feature that dynamically regulates frame rate based on your in-game movements. Radeon™ Chill can improve power efficiency and can lower temperatures for supported products and games when enabled through Radeon™ Software.
Capture, stream and share your greatest moments and gaming wins with Radeon™ ReLive. Modify settings quickly, conveniently, and play seamlessly with the easily accessible in-game toolbar. Express yourself in bold new ways with custom scene layouts. Upload your latest highlights and let them be a conversation piece. It’s never been easier to build and grow your online community at anytime, anywhere.
RDNA architecture is engineered for the next generation of high-performance gaming. It’s the DNA that powers your games, the DNA that brings your games to life, the DNA that keeps evolving, the DNA that brings your games to life.
Equipped with 8GB of advanced RX 5700 GDDR6 Memory to provide high bandwidth of up to 448 GB/s, enabling 1440p performance for today’s most demanding games.
The AMD Radeon™ RX 6000 Series graphics cards feature PCIe® 4.0, with a throughput of 16 GT/s which enables two times the bandwidth compared to PCIe® 3.0.
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